Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A complaint about Sa'id ibn Aamir

In the caliphate of Umar bin al-Khattab he made Sa'id ibn Aamir Al-Jumahi the governor of Syria. Umar ibn al-Khattab once went to Syria to examine conditions there. When he arrived at Homs which was called little Kufah because, like Kufah, its inhabitants complained a lot about their leaders, he asked what they thought of their flair. They complained about him mentioning four of his actions each one more serious than the other.

"I shall bring you and him together," Umar promised. "And I pray to God that my opinion about him would not be damaged. I used to have great confidence in him."

When the meeting was convened, Umar asked what complaints they had against him. "He only comes out to us when the sun is already high," they said. "What do you have to say to that, Sa'id?" asked Umar. Sa'id was silent for a moment, and then said, "By God, I really didn't want to say this but there seems to be no way out. My family does not have a home help so I get up every morning and prepare dough for bread. I wait a little until it rises and then bake for them. I then make wads and go out to the people."

"What's your other complaint?" asked Umar. "He does not answer anyone at night," they said. To this Sa'id reluctantly said, "By God, I really wouldn't have liked to disclose this also, but I have left the day for them and the night for God, Great and Sublime is He."

"And what's your other complaint about him?" asked Umar. "He does not come out to us for one day in every month," they said. To this Sa'id replied, " O Amir al-Mu'mineen and I do not have any clothes except what's on me. This I wash once a month and I wait for it to dry. Then I go out in the later part of the day."

"Any other complaint about him?" asked Umar. "From time to time, he blacks out in meetings," they said. To this Sa'id replied, "I witnessed the killing of Khubayb ibn Adiy when I was a disbeliever. I saw the Quraysh cutting him and saying, "Would you like Muhammad (Peace be upon him) to be in your place?" to which Khubayb replied, "I would not wish to be safe and secure among my family while a thorn hurts Muhammad (Peace be upon him) to." By God, whenever I remember that day and how I failed to come to his aid, I only think that God would not forgive me and I black out."

Thereupon Umar said, "Praise be to God. My impression of him has not been tainted.

Source: Companions of The Prophet (Peace be upon him) Vol.1, By Abdul Wahid Hamid

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